Saturday, March 5, 2011

Before and Afters :: of :: Dollar Store Craft Day!

See previous post :: I went buckwild on "idea items" as I like to call them.... at the DOLLAR TREE, the most fantabulous place in the world !!!

Began this simple little project with two items from the Dollar Tree :: a silver and black beautiful gift bag, and an 11x14" black frame.

I cut a piece out of the bag to fit into the frame. I hung it with some gray toned ribbon. I also hung it with some vinyl lettering, all items from Dollar Tree.

Total Cost of Project :: $3-4

There was a set of vinyl lettering at DT (dollar Tree) with the saying "Live Well Laugh Often Love Much" I decided to frame up "Much Love" (a more relaxed, easygoing saying. reminds me of potheads and jamaicans). I used a pink envelope leftover from V-Day and randomly placed the letters. The beautiful black from is straight from DT, no alterations.


This little beauty struck my attention one day and Goodwill and I snatched it up for $3-4. I knew I wanted to put something inside the glass, like stones or glass chips, or something. I put about 3 different fillers in, before I found the perfect black river stones at DT (Dollar Tree) today. And it was just enough to fill the inside of the lamp :)


A beautiful, classy lamp. for my new pink / black / romantical / swirlie / modern bedroom decor.


I bought a new lampshade (trust me , this is against everything i stand for...) but it was at Target for $2.48. So I swapped it out ::

<(*please excuse the nasty table it's on!*)

Check out it's corner "home" ::

Just a little homemade cloche' :: made from a cheese board (scored at Goodwill for about $2.99) and a candlestick. The beautiful shell came off my beach here in Destin !!

Well, I have been in 5th gear today, creating my booty off. I hope you all enjoy looking at everything as much as I enjoyed doing it all!

Also, please send any positive or negative feedback, share a project YOU have done, or and ideas you have. Remember, Create!.


  1. Hey Amber! You’re one crafty lady! I was looking through your blogs to see which one I should return a little comment love on and noticed that you sale close on ebay. I too have a stuff of cute duds that I plan to post on ebay. Mainly vintage stuff that I come across while I’m thrifting….this I could I could keep for myself but they are just too tiny!

    Anyhoo hope you’re having a lovely weekend!

  2. Yes I have sold on ebay for about ten years! it is sooo much fun. I also sell on Etsy, but the competition is tough there!

    Anyway, thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comments.

    God bless you and yours!!


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